Daily Devotional 10/13/16

13 October 2016

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1st Thessalonians 5:18

At first glance, this exhortation may seem a bit strange. Am I supposed to be thankful for sickness, or tragedy, or even death? Sounds a bit masochistic.

The simple answer is, No. These things are not gifts from God. They are the result of a sin cursed earth.

Paul is telling us that we should not view these things in isolation from our relationship with God. We should be thankful for the grace of God regardless of our present circumstance. Remember, it is because of His mercy that we are not rightfully consumed by sin every day.

This means we are thankful that Jesus has not forsaken us in sickness. Jesus has not forsaken us in tragedy. Jesus has not forsaken us even in death!

We may not ever understand why certain things happen in our lives, but we can always be thankful to the God of mercy, Who saved us and will deliver us in eternity!

Bryce Lowrance

Elder Bryce Lowrance

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